

Henry Bernstein
8 Hans-Sachs-Strase
44805 Bochum, DE
+49 234 232219
[email protected]

The information on this homepage is selected with caution. Its only purpose is to inform the user and not its direct adoption, e.g. for commercial or technical purposes. In such cases you should always contact us by e-mail. We are merely liable for intent and gross negligence. We are not responsible for contents on external websites linked to from this site, since we cannot control or influence them.


General trading conditions:
Our General trading conditions

Privacy Policy:
The protection of your personal data regarding data collection, data processing and use on the occasion of your visit to our homepage is our utmost concern. We will protect your data in the framework of legal regulations. Listed below, you will find some information about data that will be collected during your visit to this homepage and how they will be used:

1. Data Collection and Data Processing
Every single access to our homepage and every single fetch of a file placed on our homepage will be recorded. The storage is for internal, system-related and statistical purposes. Following items will be recorded: name of the called file, date and time of fetches, transferred amount of data, advice of successful fetch, web browser and enquiring domain. In addition, the IP addresses of the enquiring data processors will be recorded. Further personal data will only be collected if you give these particulars voluntarily within an enquiry or registration.

2. Use and Circulation of Personal Data
Insofar as you have made personal data available to us we will only use them for the response of your enquiries and for technical administration. Your personal data will not be circulated to third parties or otherwise transferred. We will delete stored personal data if you cancel your consent regarding the storage of your data, if the legal regulation is no longer necessary or if the storage is inadmissible for other legal reasons.

3. Right of Access to Personal Data
Upon written request we are gladly willing to inform you about your personal data we stored.

4. Security advice:
We try to store your personal data securely by means of all technical and organisational possibilities that it is inaccessible for a third party. Nevertheless we cannot guarantee complete data security when communicating by e-mail. For this purpose, we recommend to send confidential information by post.